Please carefully read the following Community Garden Rules & Guidelines and Shared Expectations for Community Gardening, then sign the Community Garden Plot Agreement. Ecosource staff will be visiting the gardens weekly throughout the season and monitoring the maintenance and well-being of each site. It is essential that all gardeners follow these guidelines. An Ecosource staff member will reach out to you should you be unable to follow these guidelines. If non-compliance continues, you may be asked to let go of your plot. If you have any questions, concerns, or require further information, please e-mail
Community Garden Rules and Guidelines
1. Mississauga Parks By-Law 186-05: All community garden members, volunteers, and guests must abide by the City of Mississauga Parks by-law186-05 which can be found on the City of Mississauga website
2. Season and Operation Hours: The gardens are officially open from May 1st to October 31st. Garden hours are from 7:00am to sundown.
3. Respectful Communication: Gardener members are expected to communicate with fellow gardeners, volunteers, community members, and Ecosource staff in a respectful manner at all times. Language or actions that are offensive, hateful or a threat to the physical or mental well-being of others will not be tolerated. This includes behaviour or language that is racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, sexist, and more. Please refer to the ‘Shared Expectations for the Community Gardening” document for more details. If you witness or experience this type of behaviour, please notify the Community Gardens Coordinator immediately.
4. Participation: A thriving community garden requires the collaborative effort of all members. As a member gardener you have the responsibility to treat common spaces and tools with care (including pathways, seating areas, sheds, rain barrels, and more). You are encouraged to participate in group work sessions (“Workbees”) to support maintenance of the garden as a whole and attend garden community building events (ie: Spring Fling, Cider Celebrations).
5. Conflict Resolution: Gardeners are encouraged to help resolve any disputes together in good faith. Please report any concerns or conflicts that arise to your Community Gardens Coordinator in a respectful manner. Issues that are brought to the attention of the Community Gardens Coordinator will be addressed using best practices on a case-by-case basis.
6. Plot Assignment: Garden plots are available for residents of the City of Mississauga. Plots are first assigned to all eligible returning gardeners, then to individuals on the waitlist on a first-come, first-serve basis. Only one garden plot per household is allowed. You cannot reassign your own plot to another person.
7. Plot Maintenance: Garden plots, including the area around the plot, must be maintained and kept safe. Modifying the size of the plot, adding extensions, or preventing the accessibility of the pathways in any way, will result in a warning from Ecosource staff. Please avoid using trellising or structures that shade other garden plots. If there are any issues with your plot structure, please contact the Community Gardens Coordinator. We encourage you to decorate and enjoy personalizing your plot without making permanent changes, but please keep in mind that you do so at your own risk. As your garden is in a public park, vandalism and theft are real risks. Your plot must be cleared of any plants or structures by October 31st.
8. Absence: If you are planning to be away for more than two weeks, you must arrange to have another garden member, family or friend take care of your plot. If you would like your harvest to go to a food bank while you are away, please notify the Community Gardens Coordinator. If you can no longer maintain your plot or face short/long term challenges to doing so, please contact the Community Gardens Coordinator.
9. Reassignment of Plots: If Ecosource staff notice that your plot is not being maintained, you will be given a warning. If after 2 weeks, your plot continues to be unmaintained, it will be considered abandoned and will be assigned to the next person on the waitlist. If your plot is not used by June 1st, it will be considered abandoned and assigned to the next person on the waitlist. Unfortunately, garden fees cannot be refunded after plots are reassigned.
10. Plants: Invasive plants, cannabis, perennials, trees, and woody plants are not allowed in the community garden plots. Be mindful of others when planning your garden. Ensure that prickly or irritating plants (such as stinging nettles or artichokes) are not near the outer borders or pathways. If you choose to grow aggressive spreading plants such as mint or dill, please do your part to prevent them from taking over neighbouring plots by planting them in pots and cutting flower heads before they go to seed. Ensure that all plants, containers, trellises, and other items are kept within the limits of your plot and do not block pathways or shade out neighbouring plots. Please notify the Community Gardens Coordinator immediately if you notice any noxious plants growing in your plot or the garden common spaces.
11. Path Maintenance: It is each gardener’s responsibility to keep pathways around their plot clear and weed-free for safety and accessibility reasons. Gardeners should cooperate to keep their shared pathways clear.
12. Water: Everyone in the garden shares the water, so please use only what you need. Gardeners have a shared responsibility for making sure the rain barrels are filled so each gardener is required to fill the rain barrels on your assigned weeks, as outlined in the Maintenance Schedule. If you have any accessibility reasons why you cannot support filling the rain barrels, please contact the Community Gardens Coordinator. Gardeners are also welcome to support growing food for food banks by watering community plots.
13. Shed Use: You will have access to the garden shed and communal tools provided by Ecosource. Please use these tools safely and with care and store them in an organized manner. Your personal tools/belongings should be taken home with you, but if you do store them in the shed, please understand that these will be used as communal tools by other gardeners and that Ecosource is not responsible for any of your lost or stolen tools.
14. Waste Disposal: Please dispose of all waste and recyclable materials using the appropriate bins located in the park. A pile for weeds and other compostable materials is located outside the garden fence.
15. Compost: You may use compost provided by the Region of Peel or purchase compost from a local garden centre. To prevent issues with local animals, please do not bring food scrapes from home to the garden.
16. Pests in the Garden: Reasonable efforts will be made to address pests in the garden, however, it is not possible to eliminate all pests. It is everyone’s responsibility to clean out their plots at the end of the growing season to avoid pest issues in the following season. If you notice a pest, please inform the Community Garden Coordinator.
17. Growing Organically: Be mindful of the inputs you use. Please do not use synthetic insecticides and herbicides in the garden. Only organic inputs should be used in the garden (ie: finished compost, composted manures and green manures/cover crops).
18. Pets: Please keep your pets out of the garden area. Service animals are welcome.
19. No Smoking or Drug Use: Please refrain from smoking in or near the community garden area. Drug, alcohol and cannabis use are also prohibited in the garden.
20. Music/Radio: Please use headphones instead of speakers.
21. Resale: Vegetables or flowers grown in garden plots cannot be sold.
22. Theft & Vandalism: Although all member gardeners and Ecosource will make every effort to prevent theft/vandalism, it is important to acknowledge that is a common unfortunate occurrence. We have a shared responsibility to address the theft effectively as a community. Report vandalism as soon as possible to Ecosource, as well as the City of Mississauga’s Security Department line (905-896-5040) so that the issue can be resolved quickly.
Garden Rules & Guidelines are supported by the Shared Expectations for Community Gardening. This document is updated periodically. Gardeners will be notified of any changes to the Rules & Regulations.
Download a copy of the Community Garden Rules and Guidelines for your records.
Shared Expectations for Community Gardening
Purpose: The following are guiding principles that we uphold together, as community gardeners, volunteers, staff, community members and visitors at all Ecosource Community Garden sites.
Respect: We respect everyone in the garden, regardless of race, ethnic origin, age, gender identity, sex, ability, class or beliefs. We respect each other through our words, actions and care for our shared space. We strive to make our garden a welcoming place where there is no tolerance for racism, oppression, bullying or harassment of any kind.
Collaboration: We recognize the strength of coming together to share diverse ideas, offer support, and create a vibrant community space that encourages people and our garden to flourish. We encourage teamwork, cooperation and the spirit of working together for the greater good.
Kindness & Understanding: We approach one another with kindness and consideration through our words, greetings and actions. We understand that gardening and building relationships take time and patience. We are mindful of others’ time constraints and limitations.
Diversity: We honour and celebrate diverse cultures, identities, food traditions, and plants in the garden by creating a welcoming environment for people to share the wisdom of their cultural traditions and practices.
Honouring Nature: We honour our commitment to the environment through our stewardship activities. We recognize the power of the garden as a therapeutic space and our role as gardeners to care for it and pass on vital ecosystems for future generations. We cultivate a harmonious relationship with the environment and practice reciprocity with all living beings. We acknowledge and enjoy the benefits that nature provides us, only taking what we need. In turn, we offer our care and gratitude.
Fostering Safe & Inclusive Space: We nurture our relationships so that everyone feels comfortable and welcome to share their unique qualities, strengths and gifts. We are sensitive to people’s differing life situations and respect their preferences and boundaries around social interaction. We offer support while not making assumptions of what people’s needs may be and always ask for consent.
Shared Responsibility: We acknowledge the commitment we have made to this space. We recognize our collective responsibility to maintain our individual plots and the shared garden spaces. We communicate our needs, abilities and limitations as they relate to our shared responsibilities in the garden.
Land Acknowledgement: This community garden is situated on the traditional territory and treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. We would like to acknowledge the first inhabitants of these lands and those who continue to live in these regions, incluidng Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Ojibway/Chippewa and Metis peoples. This garden is on colonized First Nations territiories and it is our responsibilty to recognize our colonial histories, their present-day implications, and to work together to honour, protect and sustain Indigenous rights, and this land. As gardeners, we recognize the need to advocate for Indigenizing the food sovereignty movement and supporting a just and equitable food system.
These Shared Expectations have been developed with input from garden members, volunteers, and staff. This is a living document and will be revisited periodically to integrate new ideas and best practices for working together.
Download a copy of the Shared Expectations for Community Gardening for your records.
Community Garden Plot Agreement and Informed Consent
- I have read and understood the Community Garden Rules and Guidelines, and I agree to follow them. I understand that if I do not follow the rules and guidelines, my member plot may be assigned to the next person on the waitlist and I will not receive a refund for my membership fee.
- I have read and understood the Shared Expectations for Community Gardening, and agree to uphold them. I understand that if I do not respect these shared expectations, my member plot may be assigned to the next person on the waitlist and I will not receive a refund for my membership fee.
- For any additional family/friends assisting me, I agree to share the Community Garden Rules and Guidelines and Shared Expectations for Community Gardening, and ensure that they comply with them.
- I agree to assist with shared garden tasks and maintenance. I will commit to the Community Garden Maintenance Schedule. If I am not able to make it to the garden during my assigned week(s), I will make arrangements to make sure the work is done.
- I understand that as a garden member, I (including my guests) am fully responsible for my actions and safety while in the garden. I agree that I will not hold Ecosource, the City of Mississauga, and other partner agencies legally responsible for any personal injuries incurred by myself or my guests in connection to the use of the community garden.
- I understand that photographs and/or videos may be taken during events at the garden and used by Ecosource and the City of Mississauga. They may be published or used in print or online. I understand that I (and my guests) will not receive any payment for photographs or videos taken of me (or my guests) in the garden.
- By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that I (and my guests) may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by participating in Ecosource’s programs and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death.
- I (and my guests) voluntarily agree to assume all of the COVID-19 risks and accept full responsibility for any injury to me (and my guests), while participating in Ecosource programs including any claims, losses, personal injury, disability, death and any other health related COVID-19 risks. I (and my guests) agree to hold harmless, indemnify, defend and waive any liability against Ecosource from any direct or indirect damages, suits or claims including legal expenses sustained as a result of or in relation to any matters under this agreement or in consequence of any breach of any representation or obligation made herein.
- I (and my guests) understand and agree that Ecosource may share my personal information (including name and contact information) with other agencies, including Peel Public Health, for the express purpose to manage the spread of COVID-19. If it is necessary to disclose personal information, I (and my guests) understand that I will be contacted in advance and provided the reason for disclosure, unless this is prohibited by law or regulation as determined by a public body.
- Ecosource is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment through our programming. I (and my guests) agree to uphold Ecosource’s value of inclusivity and not engage in behaviours or actions that are discriminatory or may be perceived as discriminatory by others. I (and my guests) understand that violation of this policy may result in discipline including removal from the program at the discretion of Ecosource.
Sat Jan 4, 2025